Author Archives: sk287

Relax and Unwind Sessions at Medway

Are you looking to try something new or want to get fit? Well look no further than the ‘Relax and Unwind’ timetable coming to Medway between Wednesday 14 May and Friday 13 June.

A series of free classes for Kent students and staff will be run in the Rochester Building and outside on the Rochester Lawn  providing the opportunity to relax, unwind and keep fit in short 40-minute lunchtime sessions. There will be 2-3 classes a week throughout the exam period with Yoga, Boxercise, Stretching and Toning themes.

A full timetable is available at

Capacity is limited so advance booking is recommended by emailing with your name and email address or you are invited to turn up on the day and see if there’s any space.

Please direct any enquiries to


Medway Campus Chaplaincy Events

This week on the Medway campus, Chaplaincy would like to offer you a moment for:

  • Relaxation, unwinding, prayer and peace ~ take a walk on the Labyrinth Tuesday between 12.30 – 2.30pm room 2.09 at the Rochester building (end of campus above Bistro 1)
  •  Green Week Market Tuesday 11 – 2pm Pilkington Atrium… I will be having a stall called ‘Ladybird and Sage’ offering special treats beautifully hand made from recycled or free or seasonal produce
  •  St. Margaret’s Chapel Thursday 12.30ish at the St. George’s Centre ~ a lovely time and sanctuary of peace to renew your spirits and refresh yourself

Reverend Canon Sally Apokis

Tel: 01634 883 203




De-Stress Yourself Arts Workshops (D.Y.A) – Medway Campus

De-Stress Yourself Arts Workshops!

Come to the D.Y.A. Workshops if you are feeling isolated or find it hard to communicate!

DYA is about exploring and expressing your feelings without the use of words but through producing art.  Allowing you to gain a better understanding of yourself through the process of creating.

These workshops take place at the Galvanising Shop (Historic Dockyard) every Friday, 3.30pm-4.30pm

A walking bus service will be available from the Pilkington Building at 3pm.

All equipment will be supplied.

The emphasis is not on the art created so prior experience or skills are not needed to attend!

For further information email

Information for students if you are staying in Canterbury or Medway over the winter break

Please click on the link below for information if you are staying in Canterbury or Medway over the winter break. 

These pages include information about the services available on the Canterbury and Medway campuses, a guide to events taking place in the region, top tips from past students and useful contacts for help and support over the period. There is also a vacation mailing list and facebook page to encourage communication and to share news and events.