The UNISON ballot of higher education members is underway. The union is urging members to vote for strike action in response to the 1% pay offer. The ballot opened 18 September 2013 and a ballot paper should be arriving at your home address shortly (if it has not done so already). All ballot forms need to be returned no later than 8 October 2013 to make sure that your vote is registered.
While universities have been offering expensive incentives to students like iPads, or money towards tuition fees, higher education staff have seen their pay eroded over the last 5 years. Living costs have increased by more than 15% over this time but pay increases for most staff have been around 2.2%. Members have seen their standards of living fall substantially.
In the meantime Vice Chancellors and other senior managers are finding that their salaries are increasing significantly. The sector finds itself in a sound financial position and can afford to fund higher pay offers.
Other higher education trade unions are also balloting members with a view to taking industrial action over pay. UNISON University of Kent branch has met with reps from other trade unions based on campus and have agreed that if members of each of the unions all back strike action we will work closely together on co-ordinating our efforts. (By, for example, holding joint meetings… tentative dates of 14th or 15th October are being considered, in both cases starting at 14:00.)
UNISON is also campaigning on issues such as the Living Wage for the lowest paid staff in the sector as well as seeking ways to address the inequalities for staff around the gender pay gap and the increasing use of zero hour contracts.
Information, resources and details of how you can become more involved in the campaign can be found on UNISON’s key issues webpage
Keep up to date with the latest information by following us on twitter @UNISONinHE or on Facebook UNISON in Higher Education.
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