2nd February 2015:
‘ailurophile’ (n.): A cat lover
‘ailurophobe’ (n.): Someone with an abnormal or persistent fear of cats
3rd March 2014:
‘nihilarian’ (n.) A person who deals with things of no importance (i.e. whose life/work is trivial)
11th March 2014:
‘Eudaimonia’ (n.) lit. “human flourishing”; a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous.
Pronunciation: “U-de-‘mOn-E-a
17th March 2014:
‘Shemomedjamo’ (Georgian) : To eat past the point of being full just because the food tastes good.
24th March 2014:
‘Ballyhoo’ (n.): Extravagant publicity or fuss
1st April 2014:
‘Grawlix’ (n.); the string of symbols used in comics or graphic novels to illustrate profanity
‘Tittle’ (n.); the dot on a lower case ‘i’
17th October 2014:
‘Tintinnabulation’ (n.); the ringing or sounding of bells.
11th November 2014:
‘Geram’ (adj. Malay); angry or fustrated