Day 1 (20 June 2022)
Arrival: from 10.30am
11:00-11:15 – welcome coffee & introduction, Sibson Foyer
11:15-12.45 – academic-led parallel sessions (x3 one per topic): These will include a combination of lectures with Q&A, workshops to identify potential collaborations and/or facilities tours.
12.45-15.00 – lunch/ fair. This will include demonstrator stands, a poster fair, guided facilities tours of our labs and a short key-note speech
15.00-16:30 – 3x parallel talks from industry representatives in the topics above. 2x Problem workshops to identify potential collaborations
16:30-17:00 – coffee break
17:00-18:00 – key-note speech from industrial representative (to be announced)
18:00 – meeting to go for dinner downtown and walking tour
18:30-21:00 – dinner at Canterbury Cathedral Lodge
21:00 – end of official day 1 activities
Day 2 (21 June 2022)
09:00-10:30 – academic-led parallel sessions (x3 one per topic): These will include a combination of lectures with Q&A, workshops to identify potential collaborations and/or facilities tours.
10:30-11:00 – coffee break
11:00-12:30 – topic centred panels. Panels with academics and industrial reps on each of the main topics to consider the latest challenges in the area and potential solutions.
12:30-15:00 – lunch + fair
15:00-15:15 – closing remarks