Yesterday we had a brief informal review of some of what I heard at the APS March Meeting – with some additional input from Claudio … Read more
Author: Jorge Quintanilla
Theoretical and Experimental Magnetism Meeting and UK-Korea Workshop on SCES
16-17 June, 2011 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK See the first announcement on the SEPnet ACM website.
Double occupancy as a probe of the Mott transition for fermions in one-dimensional optical lattices
Asbtract of contributed talk at the APS March Meeting, Dallas, 2011: Jorge Quintanilla , Vivaldo L. Campo, Jr , Vito Scarola , Chris Hooley , … Read more
Turning data into a puzzle: non-unitary triplet pairing in the non-centrosymmetric superconductor LaNiC2
Colloquium given at Virginia Tech University, 18 March 2011:
Puzzling pairing in the noncentrosymmetric superconductor LaNiC2
Invited talk given at the UK-Korea workshop on strongly correlated electrons, Seoul, February 2011. (Sorry, slides not available.)
Puzzling pairing in the non-centrosymmetric supeconductor LaNiC2
Contributed talk at CMMP’10 (University of Warwick, 14-16 December 2010):