New people, old memories

Today I sent out an email, produced every year, to people who will, for the rest of the academic year, work on research projects under my supervision. This is what we call the “mini-group” (a joke I got from a similar arrangement run by Andy Schofield when he was a young Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Birmingham and I a post-doc under his supervision). It occurred to me that this was the largest mini-group ever, at six members (if we weren’t meeting online, I would have had to book a seminar room!) and realising that sent me spinning down memory lane. So I fished some photographs out of a hidden People page of this blog (it is no longer visible because the mini-group is now part of the broader Physics of Quantum Materials research group, which has its own page for that). I also found a list of people who worked under my supervision here at Kent over the years. I wonder where some of them are! I am glad the photographs seem relatively happy. I have certainly been extremely happy interacting with and learning from so many enthusiastic individuals. Thank you!

The mini-group c. 2012. From left to right: Bruno Tomasello, Jorge Quintanilla, Hannah Irons and Bayan Mazidian. This photograph was taken at the Target Station-2 building, ISIS Facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, which was our main base then.
Group portrait
The mini-group c. December 2017. From left to right: Jorge Quintanilla, Sudeep Ghosh, Phil Whittlesea, John Pooley, and Bradley Glenn-Smith. This photograph was taken during one of the weekly joint discussions in Jorge’s room.

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