The New Fundraisers

Published today is a new book on charity fundraisers by Dr Beth Breeze. The New Fundraisers: who organises charitable giving in contemporary society takes a … Read more

Dr Joy Zhang to advise iGEM competition

Dr Joy Zhang has been appointed as a member of the Human Practices Committee for the International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition (iGEM). Launched by the … Read more

Welfare State Futures Oxford Paper

Peter Taylor-Gooby presented a paper to the ‘The Politics of Austerity in the UK’ Symposium, chaired by Christopher Hood and Rozana Himaz, at St Cross … Read more

Religion and the Global City

In their new book, Religion and the Global City, David Garbin (SSPSSR) and Anna Strhan (SECL) explore how religious movements and actors shape and are … Read more

Gold rating for teaching

The University has been awarded a gold rating, the highest, in the UK Government’s Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). Based on the evidence available, the TEF … Read more