Health and Social Care PhD Scholarships announced

We are offering three 3-year PhD scholarships (full-time or 5 years part-time) to be based in the Centre for Health Services Studies (CHSS) and Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) in the School of Social Policy and Social Research (SSPSSR), University of Kent. We welcome applications to undertake health and social care services research and/or evaluation commencing in September/October 2019. These scholarships are linked to new NIHR funding to develop applied health and social care research in the region.

The studentships are linked to new opportunities for research training and support across the Kent, Surrey and Sussex area as well as regional programmes of applied health and social care research in social care and social work, primary and community care, child and adolescent mental health and dementia. We welcome applications from prospective students interested in use of integrated data sets,  health and social care economics, community and public health, co-production and patient and public involvement and engagement in relation to our areas of research interest. Particular areas of interest include, for example:

Social care: Effectiveness and sustainability of person-centred social care, new models of person-centred social care, cost-effectiveness of person-centred social care, risk factors, variation and inequalities in person-centred social care.
Young people’s mental health: Place-based interventions and parenting, interrelationships between mental and physical health in children and young people, supporting health and wellbeing in children, young people, family and carers.
Primary and community care:  Sustainable care for marginalised and migrant groups, supporting people to live well with chronic conditions including comorbid mental and physical health conditions, service redesign and integrated care and evaluations of new forms of service provision.
Co-production: Co-producing health & well-being including self-management, shared decision-making, innovation co-design, co-producing health and social care services including involvement/participation in organisations, governance and commissioning and co-production of research.
Public health: Social prescribing and preventive interventions for the mental and physical health of elderly people living at home or in residential or nursing care settings, Secondary analysis of integrated datasets to chart care pathways across health and social care.

For more information and how to apply, please visit our scholarship pages.

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