QORU participants needed

Help us to pilot a new questionnaire designed to measure the quality of life of people with learning disabilities or autism who use adult social care services.

This project is a pilot of a new questionnaire that is part of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (ASCOT) (see www.pssru.ac.uk/ascot). ASCOT questionnaires are used to collect information about the quality of life of people who use social care support. This information may be used to monitor, evaluate and improve the quality of services.

We are looking for organisations in Kent, East Sussex, West Sussex, Essex, Kent, Surrey, Leeds, Wiltshire or Warwickshire to help us with this research project.

This would involve:

  • Identifying adults (aged 18 years or older) with learning disabilities or autism in your organisation who would be able to complete an Easy Read questionnaire with 30 questions, either alone or with some help.
  • Giving out information packs and questionnaires to people who may be interested in taking part, and facilitating informed consent, where necessary.
  • Helping people to complete the questionnaire, if necessary.
  • Completing a very short form with two questions about where the respondent lives and the type(s) of services used.
  • Returning consent forms and completed questionnaires to the research team (FREEPOST envelopes will be provided).

Summaries of the findings of the research will be made available to participating providers.  The project has been approved by the Social Care Research Ethics Committee (SCREC).

If you would like more information, please contact Stacey Rand by 13th March 2017.
Stacey Rand, Research Fellow
Email: s.e.rand@kent.ac.uk
Telephone: 01227 823877


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