Person-centred active support and Talking Mats training 2017

The University online booking system is now open to register for either of our courses.

Person-centred active support training will take place over two days, 13 February and 3 April 2017 at the University of Kent, Canterbury campus.  Full details of the two days and training materials required can be found on our web page.  The assumption will be that those attending will have experience of working with people with intellectual disabilities in a facilitative way and are working in an organisation where they can gain hands on practice in between sessions and where they can produce videos for certification.

If you wish to register and book a place please go to the online store.  A reduced fee is available for current students and members of the TPN.

Talking Mats communication symbols tool is based on extensive research and designed by Speech and Language Therapists.  It uses unique specially designed picture communication symbols that are attractive to all ages and communication abilities and are used by clinical practitioners, carers and support workers in a wide range of health, social work, residential and education settings.  This training will be held on 14 February and 4 April 2017 from 0900-1200 hrs at the University of Kent, Canterbury campus.  Full details can be found on our web page.

To register and book a place please use the University of Kent online store.

If you have any queries regarding the above courses please contact Dr Jill Bradshaw (





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