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Skyline At Brompton-Westbrook Primary School


The University of Kent recently visited Brompton-Westbrook Primary School. Here they were given the opportunity to work with members of staff heavily involved in the Skyline Project to create their own pieces of art. Ideas developed by the students will be used to influence Sam Holland when designing the final sculpture for Brompton Academy, alongside the winning entries to the Skyline Art and Creative Writing Competition.

Oliver Allen, the Upper Key Stage Two Lead at Brompton Westbrook Primary School had the following to say:

“The children all thoroughly enjoyed being involved in the project. The quality of the artwork they produced was of a very high quality. It was great that the clay was supplied through the project and then left with the children; this allowed them to paint their artwork after the event.”

The University also worked with students from nearby Skinner Street Primary School. For more photos from both events please see our brand new gallery.