ICPS 2015 Amsterdam

People encounter more faces than ever in a modern world. This symposium investigates the boundaries of face recognition, including research on how many faces can be perceived at a time, imaging data on developmental face blindness, the existence of human face experts, and technology to increase face recognition performance.

Left to right: Stuart Gibson, Volker Thoma, Ashok Jansari and Davide Rivolta


Face-Specific Capacity limits
Volker Thoma
University of East London, United Kingdom

fMRI Correlates of Developmental Prosopagnosia
Davide Rivolta
University of East London, United Kingdom

Superior Performance in Face Recognition
Ashok Jansari
Goldsmiths University of London, United Kingdom

Interactive Evolutionary Generation of Facial Composites
Stuart J. Gibson
University of Kent, United Kingdom

Co-Author: Christopher J. Solomon Dr., University of Kent