Congratulations to all our graduates

Congratulations to our final-year students from the School of European Culture and Languages (SECL) who graduated today with their well-earned degrees. This is the culmination of three … Read more

Congratulations to Sophia Labadi

Congratulations to Sophia Labadi from the Department of Classical and Archaeological Studies who has been promoted to Senior Lecturer in Heritage and Archaeology for the forth … Read more

Congratulations to Larry Duffy

Congratulations to Larry Duffy from the Department of Modern Languages who has been promoted to Senior Lecturer in French for the forthcoming academic year. The appointment … Read more

Congratulations to Larry Duffy

Congratulations to Larry Duffy from the Department of French who has been promoted to Senior Lecturer in French for the forthcoming academic year. The appointment will … Read more

Congratulations to our academic staff

Congratulations to our academic staff on well-earned promotions in their roles for the forthcoming academic year: Classical & Archaeological Studies Dr Sophia Labadi to Senior Lecturer … Read more