Patricia Novillo-Corvalán in Modernist Cultures

Cover of Summer 2017 issue of the journal Modernist Cultures

Dr Patricia Novillo-Corvalán, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Comparative Literature, has just published an article in the latest issue of the journal Modernist Cultures, dated July 2017.

Modernist Cultures examine the interdisciplinary and international contexts of modernism and modernity, cross fields as diverse as anthropology, art history, cultural studies, ethnography, film studies, history, literature, musicology, philosophy, sociology, urban studies, and visual culture. The journal is published by Edinburgh University Press.

Patricia’s article is entitled ‘Pablo Neruda‘s Transnational Modernist Networks: Colombo-Madrid-London-Buenos Aires (1927–1933)‘. It positions Pablo Neruda’s poetry collection Residence on Earth I (written between 1925–1931 and published in 1933) as a ‘text in transit’ that allows us to trace the development of transnational modernist networks through the text’s protracted physical journey from British colonial Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) to Madrid, and from José Ortega y Gasset’s Revista de Occidente (The Western Review) to T. S. Eliot’s The Criterion.

By mapping the text’s diasporic movement, Patricia seeks to reinterpret its complex composition process as part of an anti-imperialist commitment that proposes a form of aesthetic solidarity with artistic modernism in Ceylon, on the one hand, and as a vehicle through which to interrogate the reception and categorisation of Latin American writers and their cultural institutions in a British periodical such as The Criterion, on the other.

For the full abstract, please see the publisher’s page here:

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