Centre for Heritage on museums and social justice

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The Centre for Heritage and The Beaney House of Art and Knowledge in Canterbury will host its second public lecture, entitled ‘Museums and Social Justice’, on Thursday 17 March 2016.

The lecture will ask what is social justice and where do museums fit in? Do they have a role to play in dealing with the current social ‘crises’? It will include presentations by Dr David Fleming, OBE, Director of National Museums Liverpool and Dr Sophia Labadi, Senior lecturer in Heritage and Archaeology in the Department of Classical & Archaeological Studies, and will be followed by a debate.

As preparation for this debate, you can submit questions for this discussion via Twitter: @sophialabadi or @beaneyfrontroom or via the Centre for Heritage Facebook page.

The lecture will be held at at 6pm in The Learning Lab at The Beaney, with drinks from 5.30pm. To register for this event, please visit: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/popular-lecture-museum-and-social-justice-debate-and-discussion-tickets-21633728063



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