James Fowler publishes on Samuel Richardson

Cover of Richardson and the Philosophies

Dr James Fowler, Senior Lecturer in the Department of French, has recently published a new book on Samuel Richardson, entitled Richardson and the Philosophes (Legenda, 2014).

In mid-eighteenth-century Europe, a taste for sentiment accompanied the ‘rise of the novel’, and the success of Samuel Richardson (1689-1761) played a vital role in this. James’s new study is the first to compare the response of the most famous philosophes to the Richardson phenomenon. Voltaire, who claims to despise the novel, writes four ‘Richardsonian’ fictions; Diderot’s fascination with the English author is expressed in La Religieuse, Rousseau’s in Julie — the century’s bestseller. Yet their responses to him remained ambivalent. On the one hand they admire Richardson’s ability to make the reader weep. On the other, they champion a range of Enlightenment beliefs which he, an enthusiast of Milton, vehemently opposed. In death as in life, the English author exacerbates the philosophes’ rivalry. The eulogy which Diderot writes in 1761 implicitly asks: who can write a new Clarissa? But also: whose social, philosophical or political ideas will triumph as a result?

For more details, please see the publisher’s page here:

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