SECL year abroad photo competition winner

Barcelona by Katy Brock

This year School of European Culture and Languages launched its inaugural ‘SECL Year Abroad Photo Competition’. The organisers are pleased to announce that Katy Brock, a finalist in French and Spanish, has won the competition with her stunning image of students in Barcelona.  Katy will be presented with a bottle of champagne and a framed copy of her picture at the graduation party, as well as having her picture displayed within the School for staff and students to enjoy.

The inaugural SECL Year abroad photo competition proved very popular, and there was a diverse range of entries featuring people and places from all over Europe. The two runners up were Sophie Corton (French) for her image of the cable cars in Grenoble, and Robert Welch (German) for his photograph of ‘die Zigeunerin  und der Baer’. The runners up will each receive a framed copy of their photograph.

The competition will run again in 2014-15 for students who were on the year abroad in 2013-14.

You can view a selection of the photos including the winners and runners up at:

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