Amalia Arvaniti to give talk on speech rhythm

The Laboratoire Parole & Language (LPL) at the University of Aix-en-Provence in France have invited Professor Amalia Arvaniti, Head of the Department of English Language & Linguistics, to give a talk as part of a one-day seminar on ‘Rhythm and its Functions in Speech Perception and Production’ tomorrow on Friday 21 March.

Entitled ‘Rhythm and Timing Crosslinguistically’, Amalia’s talk will will present an overview of her recent research on the production and perception of speech rhythm across a range of languages that include English, German, Greek, Italian, Korean and Spanish. She will discuss the implications of the findings for cross-linguistic comparisons, and how they to contribute to our general understanding of speech rhythm, its nature, role in speech and cross-linguistic basis.

For more information about the seminar, please see the LPL webpage here:

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