SECL talks for Employability Week

Employability Week is a University-wide week of events, showcasing all the ways in which you can get experience and gain skills whilst studying at Kent. All Schools across the University are contributing talks and events to highlight how the University’s wide range of degree programmes open up opportunities for different careers.

SECL has finalised its contributions, with three specific events on the 6, 7 and 8 November.

On the 6 November, there will be a special presentation on our School’s employability modules, which enable our students to gain work experience as part of their academic study. The presentation will cover our suite of classroom modules, which offer placements in the classroom to help prepare for a teaching career. Peter Mayr from the Department of German will be talking about the media placements available on the module Medien und Öffentlichkeit, and Sophia Labadi from the Department of Classical & Archaeological Studies will be talking about the modules Museum Studies and the forthcoming Heritage Studies, both with internships.

The latter two presentations will be developed with further talks on the following two days. Dirk Emig, Editor-in-Chief from Hessischer Rundfunk radio in Germany, will be visiting the University on 7 November to talk about one of the paid internship opportunities at the media company for the Medien und Öffentlichkeit module.

On 8 November, Sophia Labadi will give a talk on working in the heritage sector, with offers a variety of employment and business opportunities ranging from visitor operations staff to archaeologists through to construction workers and specialist IT workers.

For more details of SECL’s employability programme of events, please see the page:

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