Archaeology talks at Canterbury’s Beaney museum

Laser scanning of ancient greek pot

Two PhD students from the Department of Classical and Archaeological Studies, Signe Barfoed and Ada Nifosi, will be delivering talks at the Beaney House of Art and Knowledge in the heart of Canterbury.

The talks focus on what ancient objects can reveal about ancient society in Greece and Egypt. Aspects of the talks will focus on the specialist laser scanning technology available at the University to examine artefacts and how using the technology has helped uncover the history behind the Beaney’s collection of ancient Greek pottery and Egyptian amulets. Laser scanning technology is a highly advantageous way to analyse fragile archaeological artefacts as handling of the object is kept to a minimum.

As well as explaining the process of laser scanning, the talks will also focus on how the objects can build up a picture of daily life, religious and funerary customs.

The talks are open to the public, and will take place on 17 October and 21 November, 6pm-7.30pm, and cost £6 each.

For more details of the talks, please see the page here:

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