How eco-friendly do you have to be before you are allowed to be concerned about environmental destruction?


There’s pink smoke billowing from the balcony of the Guildhall, a giant pink table thronged by activists near Trafalgar Square which means Extinction Rebellion’s two-week-long programme of civil disobedience in London has kicked off. Charlie Gardner is there and was asked to comment in this piece in The Independent.

The Independent’s Harry Cockburn asks how eco-friendly do you have to be before you are allowed to be concerned about environmental destruction?

When asked to comment, Dr Charlie Gardner pushed back on the premise.

“I reject the premise of this question -what the ordinary British citizen needs to change in their lives. What I personally am involved in [the environment movement] for, is to oblige governments to change the rules of the game the rest of us have to play by.”

Read the entire piece here. 

For updates from Charlie at #Impossiblerebellion follow him on twitter here. 

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