Windows into Wildlife

Garden spring blossoms

With us all being stuck indoors things can get a bit repetitive and tedious. While we are all hidden away, nature is resetting and wildlife is thriving. There is a vast amount of research linking human wellbeing to green spaces, but during isolation our time spent within them has been limited.

From our windows and our gardens we get snippets of wildlife enjoying the peace and quiet. We want to see all your snaps of wildlife, both flora and fauna, from your windows in our new campaign, #windowsintowildlife. Let’s brighten up everyone’s newsfeed with different windows into wildlife from across the world. Our views don’t have to be limited to just our own windows: share your images of whatever it may be to get a peek of the flourishing world outside.

It’s easy! Simply send your picture to and we’ll post it on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds for everyone to enjoy. We encourage everyone to send their photos, from current and prospective students to lecturers!

We look forward to seeing your #windowsintowildlife.

Image by Katrine Burford-Bradshaw, studying on the BSc (Hons) in Wildlife Conservation with A Year in Professional Practice.

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