We’re now four weeks into our term in Rome and everyone seems nicely settled into their studies, and living the dolce vita. As I write the bells are peeling just as the sun sets on another day of blue skies and sun (we have also had diluvial rain but this seems to bounce off our students as well as off the monuments of the city).
Everyone’s pattern here has been slightly different, so summing up the first four weeks is not easy, but here are some highlights from the Art History side of things.
Last week students were on the restoration scaffolds at the Vatican where the restorers explained fresco technique and discussed particularly interesting and challenging issues that they are encountering as they work in the Sala di Costantino (started by Raphael and completed by Giulio Romano). We have also been up to several of the excellent lectures offered at the British School at Rome. Among our visits we have been in churches, villas, palazzi, museums, exhibitions, archives, libraries and lectures to say nothing of the cafes and piazzas. We had a film crew with us for a few days so watch this space for a short film of some of our activities.
Looking ahead we have a trip to Orvieto, Perugia and Spello this week; and Florence the following week where again we are going to be in restoration studios and the drawings collection of the Uffizi as well as in the normal run of museums and churches. We’re also looking forward to guest lecturers later in the term, and to our annual event (this year at the Villa Wolkonsky). And with each day more spring-like than the last, our students seem to be making the most of a wonderful experience.