3rd R-CoMuse Seminar
‘Celebrating the Reach of Co-operatives (in space and time!)’
Saturday 13th October 2012, 2- 4.30 pm.
(Preceded by business meeting 11-12, with lunch at 1)
Venue: Birkbeck College, London.
Ian Snaith: UK Co-operative Law: Recent Developments
Rita Rhodes: Methodology and Publication of ‘Empire and Co-operation’
For more details please see R-CoMuse blog, and for registration contact: Nathan Moore (nathan.moore@bbk.ac.uk) or Caroline Archer (c.archer@kent.ac.uk).
R-CoMuse: Research Network in Co-operatives, Mutuals and Social Enterprises.
An interdisciplinary and international research network
good for everyone….
I have registered with this blog now and confirm I’ll be there on 13th October at Birkbeck. Can I suggest the following as blogroll links to be added:
Co-ops UK
That is a great way of keeping up to date with the UK Movement.
The ICA 2012 one
The Co-op News hub
EURICSE in Italy
Hope this is helpful.
Oh yes. We should remember the UK Society for Co-operative Studies at
Here is an interesting short essay on open source or “commons” and cooperatives – http://www.ethicalconsumer.org/cooperativealternative/essayprize2ndplace.aspx