Finding Books & Library Resources

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Finding books outside of the Templeman Library
There may well be an occasion where you are searching for a book title, and find it’s not available in the Templeman Library. Alternatively, you may be researching a topic from a specific angle and would like to see if there are any other book titles available in the field.
The resources listed below, allow you to extend you book searching outside of the Templeman Library to other Higher Education institutions and national holding libraries.
Use these in conjunction with the SCONUL process to see if HE Libraries near to your home have the book for reference use, or to request via our Document Delivery Service.
Lean Library
Not all of us begin our research through the use of Library search tools. Google, Google Scholar and other websites can contain information on useful e-book titles. This is where Lean Library comes into play.
Lean Library is a browser add-in, that allows you to see whether e-books you discover outside of the Library are available within it.
Click here or on the image to the left, to find out more about using the Lean Library add-in.
JISC Hub Discover
Jisc Library Hub Discover exposes rare and unique research material by bringing together the catalogues of major UK and Irish libraries. In a single search you can discover the holdings of the UK’s National Libraries (including the British Library), many university libraries, and specialist research libraries.
Access JISC Library Hub Discover >>
WorldCat is a great resource for locating unique, trustworthy materials that you often can’t find anywhere except in a library. And by connecting thousands of libraries’ collections in one place, makes it easy for you to browse the world’s libraries from one easy search box.
During the past 50+ years, thousands of libraries have entered their information about millions of books, magazines, movies, songs, maps, genealogical records, research theses and so much more into WorldCat. And not just the physical items you could find when you visit a library, but many kinds of digital content like open-source e-books, articles, downloadable audiobooks, and photos. You can also find article citations with links to full text, authoritative research materials, one-of-a-kind documents and photos of local or historic significance, and digital versions of rare items that aren’t generally available to the public
The British National Bibliography
The British National Bibliography lists:
- books and journal titles published or distributed in the United Kingdom and Ireland since 1950, including electronic publications
- Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) information for forthcoming book titles.
.Access the British National Bibliography >>
Search the World’s largest bookstore for existing and forthcoming book titles in your area of interest.
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We are keen to encourage you to suggest additional resources that may bring additional value to the resources contained in this resource subject guide. If you feel that there is something missing (e.g. resource, voices or perspective), then fill out this form and we will try our best to include your suggestions.