
Since I wrote my last post, I moved back into my flat at university. I am all unpacked and settled in. I do miss my family quite a bit because it’s normally the five of us but now I spend most of the time studying alone. However, since I hadn’t seen my friends all summer, I was looking forward to hanging out with them. When I arrived, it was the same week as my friend’s birthday so we headed to Spoons. In my opinion it’s one of the best places to eat as a student, the food is delicious and the price is very fair for a buffet. I was definitely saying yes to all the invites that week because I wanted to go out before the real work started. I will not be surprised if I gain a bit of weight from all the food. Sorry, not sorry!

When the partying was all said and done, I had my first introductory lecture and like every year it was just as exciting and equally terrifying. The lecturer congratulated us on making it this far. That always makes me smile because hearing him saying that means I am still here. He reminded us why we are at university and what we are aiming for. It was then, when I was sitting in my chair staring at the lecture slides, that I felt a lot of anxiety for the future. With each slide of statistics on previous students’ performance, I couldn’t stop my head from asking a lot of questions. Am I going to make it? What degree classification will I get? Am I going to cope? Looking around I realised, I am not the only one. All of us have made it so far and there is only one more obstacle in our way.

Putting our worries aside, my friends and I headed to our pharmacy school’s 10th anniversary. Between the dancing, selfies and free food I convinced my self that although my concerns about the future are justified, it shouldn’t be my main focal point. These feelings are familiar and that’s because they are the same ones I had during my GCSE and ‘A’ levels. Yet, here I was, at an award ceremony hosted by my school of pharmacy and in my final year of university. I had clearly made it. Among the people receiving their awards were our lecturers who had added another title to their name. Students who had excelled from previous years were honoured for their achievements. It was inspiring, I felt like I had the potential to be just as great. I want the cap and gown, I want the certificate and I certainly want the joy that comes with graduating. Therefore, I have made it my goal and motivation to graduate and get the gown.

All in all, I am ready for this academic year. “Let the hunger games begin”


What are your fears, goals and motivation for this academic year?