PG Staff/Student Liaison Committee Meeting – 26th November 2013

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Please see below the minutes from our Staff/Student Liaison Committee Meeting

Staff/Student Liaison Committee

12th November 2013 



L1.09, Keynes





Minutes:  Esme Rigden  
Attending: Heather Ferguson (Chair & Taught DoGs), Roger Giner-Sorolla (Chair & Research DoGs), Lizanne Allcock (SAM), Esme Rigden (PG Admin), Anna Brown (Stats Lecturer), Jane Alderson-Rice (Library Liaison), Lynsey Mahmood (AL Rep), Emma Alleyne (Associate Lecturer), Rachel Moore (PhD Yr 3 rep), John Sabo (PhD Yr 1 rep), Julie Van De Vyver (PhD Yr 2 rep), Richard Moore (MSc GP, RM, S&A rep), Samantha Chan (MSc Forensic rep), Sarah Lund (MSc Forensic rep), Chioma Amadi (MSc Developmental rep), Catriona Scrivener (MSc Cog rep) 


Gary Samson (Senior Experimental Officer), Lisa Clark (Psych Advisor)




  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting 3rd June  2013/Matters arising


  1. Chair’s Communications


Research Methods student rep

Supervisor feedback form


  1. Student Business/Feedback


  1. Any Other Business





Minutes of the last meeting 3rd June 2013




Chair’s Communications    
  Jo Oven confirmed that the minutes on our website are accessible to the students
HF to email the new Cohort regarding a name for the MSc Suite – done
HF to email all academics to add word counts on Module Outlines
ER to speak to JW/GRdM regarding SP998/SP809 Empirical dissertation feedback  form – supervisor contribution added – done
HF confirmed that she will be giving a plagiarism talk in week 9 and the Ethics talk was held in week 6 for the PG.  We also need to look at the plagiarism text in the handbook
Student reps have requested a kettle and microwave for the MSc Suite – Esme ordered on 15/11/13
Journals for the MSc Suite – AB and JA-R to co-ordinate
  GS/SSLC minutes to be added to blog – ER
  ER to add Research training sessions to the blog – done
  MSc Taught have set up a Facebook page which Carly and Esme will monitor
  RGS will give additional seminars and workshops on advanced SPSS macro procedures.  The students were asked to feedback any training they would like to see in the future.  Anna will be running a R session
  The students were informed that the end of January 2014 the scholarships for PhD will close.  RGS will be running a training session on PhD applications and HF will cover CV and covering letter
  ER to email MSc-R for a student rep – done 15/11/13
  HF to compile an interim evaluation form for supervision feedback but any issues with your supervisor please talk to HF for MSc and RGS for PhD
  RGS thank the PhD reps for the PG Symposium day
  HF/RGS thanked ER for welcome week organisation and ER asked reps for feedback.  There were a few items on the Welcome Week agenda which MSc students were unsure if they needed to attend so we suggested that we do a MSc and PhD timetable each for 2014/2015
  RGS said he was meeting with Jo Oven about the PGR handbook and New Route PhD
  AB and JA-R updated the team about the library refurbishment is going to plan. 

  1. The new licence is stricter than the old one, and some of the scans on Moodle will have to be removed by 28 February 2014.
  2. The library has a list of scans that are not permitted under the new licence, and will have to be removed, but the School of Psychology does not have any scans on this list.
  3. If module convenors are requesting scans for Moodle in the future, I am always available if scan requests refused and some additional information or advice is needed, or if is needed to find alternative content.
  4. If module convenors have any copyright related questions I am always available.


JA-R was thanked for running the Refworks workshop to MSc.  JS asked if this could be ran for PhD and JA-R said as long as there are 5 or more participants she could rerun.  EA will run Refworks for UG.

  CA to talk to Psychology Society regarding???
  JVdV thanked LA for the writing retreats which run once a month









Student Business/Feedback    
  Move filing cabinet from the seating area in MSc suite to photocopier/scanner room and tidy this room.  Round table and chairs in seating area for student to work at with their laptops – Esme to speak to Estates – done
  MSc-T student have set up a facebook page and added ER and CT who will monitor this.  ER re-iterated that this should not become a moaning ground
  It was mentioned that there was not much Psychology representation at the Careers and Employability Fair on campus.  HF to talk to Wendy Iredale about this and which employers are invited.  The students felt it was more law, business than scientific based
  JVdV asked about having a confidential space for PhD to have sensitive conversations – it was suggested they can always go to LA/RGS or HF
  SC/SL our Forensic reps asked EA about the supervisor selection process
  Coursework questions to be posted on a Moodle forum or on the Module page
  EA to talk to Jane Wood regarding making SP805/SP806 workshops earlier
  EA explained why not all the students get to go on the trip to Broadmoor
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