Going Underground

“There are to be seen … near this town … sundry artificial caves or holes in the earth, whereof some have ten, some fifteen and … Read more

Kentish Kottages Krap Kintsugi

wabi-sabi – Finding beauty in the flawed or imperfect Sadie Hennessy’s Kentish Krap Kintsugi illustrates the Japanese art of Kintsugi, the act of mending by … Read more

Denys Eyre Bower (1905-1977)

‘I regret to say that we spurned this kindness and continued to brandish the Japanese “real swords”’ Bower started collecting Japanese goods long after it … Read more

Hooden Horse

‘I’d much rather be in the White Horse in Sittingbourne with the East Kent Hoodeners’ Sadie Hennessy’s Hooden Horse explores the Kentish folk tradition of … Read more