MEMS is pleased to announce that the 2016 Anselm Lecture will be given by Professor Sandy Heslop (University of East Anglia), who will discuss ‘The Art of Saint Anselm’. Taking place on Thursday 21st January, 2016 at 18:00 in Grimond Lecture Theatre Two (GLT2), The University of Kent, this is an open lecture and all are welcome. There will be an opportunity for further discussion with the speaker at a wine reception afterwards.
Abstract of the lecture:
St Anselm was a consummate communicator as a teacher of logic, a theologian and pastor. He varied his styles of writing depending on the kind of text he was composing and the audiences he envisaged. He was also the first author for centuries to include figural illustrations with his work; there are two different sets surviving for his Prayers and Meditations. However, Anselm’s most notable commitment to the visual arts was to be seen the new eastern arm of Canterbury cathedral (the ‘Glorious Choir’), where sculpture, painting and stained glass adorned almost the whole interior. This lecture explores the strategies he employed in bringing together words and images.
About the speaker
Professor Sandy Heslop is an expert on the art and architecture of medieval England. His overarching interest is in making and its place in human culture. Humans use objects of all kinds (natural and manufactured) for practical purposes but also to structure our understanding and our identities. Most of Heslop’s research and teaching has focused on analyzing the relationship between people and things, and the role of imagination in the creation and reception of artefacts.