Aishwary a Tipnis is an Architect & Conservation Planner and has a Master’s degree in European Urban Conservation from the University of Dundee Scotland UK and heads a architectural conservation consultancy firm in New Delhi. She has successfully spearheaded and pioneered two projects for shared cultural heritage using digital technology in India, the Dutch in Chinsurah ( and Heritage & People of Chandernagore
Alexia Vercruysse is a postgraduate student in International Law and International Relations at the university of Kent. After having obtained her Master’s degree at the UCL in Belgium, she decided to specialise herself in Human Rights Law, Cultural Heritage Law and Minorities Law.
Before beginning his PhD at the University of Kent, Colin Elder completed his BA at Algoma University, and MA at Dalhousie University, both in Canada. His PhD is an Environmental History focused on the St. Mary’s River, with a particular emphasis on Native American understandings of nature, and the need to include these understandings into our modern discourse of ecologically friendly conservation practices. This project would not be possible without the generous support of the University of Kent School of History International Student PhD Scholarship, University of Kent GTA Scholarship, and the Christine and Ian Bolt Scholarship.
Antonio Antequera was born in 1986 in he is graduated in Architecture in the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). In 2014, he completed with honours, the Master´s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning, in the Area of Expertise of Urban Studies. At now, he is a PhD Student at UPM and his thesis project is about Collective Memory, Urban peripheries and Identitary Heritage.
Dr Eirini Saratsi is research fellow at the School of Anthropology and Conservation at the University of Kent. She is a human geographer by training and her research interests lay within the fields of cultural, historical and environmental geography. She has recently awarded a Valuing Nature fellowship to work with Historic England to advance knowledge around intangible heritage values assigned to urban green spaces. |
Federica Appendino (1987) architect and urban planner, is a joint PhD student in Architectural and Landscape Heritage at Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and in Urban Planning at Paris-Sorbonne (France). Her doctoral thesis focus on the relationship between urban heritage conservation and sustainable development, with a comparative analysis of policies, strategies and tools in Italy and France. |

Francesca Giliberto is a PhD student jointly supervised by Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and the University of Kent (UK), conducting a research focusing on a comparative analysis of current urban management strategies of six World Heritage cities in Italy and in the UK. In parallel, she worked as research fellow in the preparation of the UNESCO nomination dossier of “Ivrea, industrial city of the XX century”. |
Ghadeer Najjar is a graduate student in Tourism studies at Bethlehem University. Her thesis examines the socio-political impact on urban transformation and social memory within historic settings focusing on the city of Beit Jala (Palestine) and thus the regeneration of its historic center with the emphasis on the city identity and locals belonging. She has an extensive work experience within the West Bank, in built heritage conservation and rehabilitation, the regeneration of urban areas to improve local living standards, and community mapping and documentation. |
Gimin Lee is a First Year PhD Candidate in the School of Architecture at the University of Kent, studying the relationship between heritage conservation and gentrification as interdisciplinary research in Architecture and Urban Sociology and focusing on the authenticity of place. She received an MA Conservation and Regeneration at School of Architecture, University of Sheffield in 2014. Her master thesis was about the extent to which the traditional marketplace should be valued as a sustainable place in town revitalisation. |

Haiyang Zhang is a Master student with a major in architecture design and theory, school of urban planning and design, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School. He is member of the World Heritage Research Centre of Peking University and he obtained a Bachelor of urban planning and design, Beijing Forestry University. |
Hanaw MTM Amin, starting from 2013, is a PhD candidate in Town and Regional Planning at the University of Sheffield, awarded with a scholarship from HCDP. Previously, she obtained in 2005 a BSc Architecture Engineering degree from the University of Sulaimaniyah, Iraq in 2005 and in 2010 she graduated in Urban Design, University of Middle East Technical University, Ankara, thanks to an Erasmus Mundus Master’s programme scholarship. Between 2005-2008, she worked as an architect in Iraq. |
Hiba Alkhalaf is a PhD student in architecture at the University of Edinburgh with a main passion and occupation in architecture and particularly architectural and urban conservation with multicultural practice and academic experience in Middle-East and UK. She received her master degree in Architectural conservation from the University of Edinburgh. Her research interests are mainly about the term ‘Sense of Place’ in the historic urban landscape, theory of conservation and sustainable urban development.
Hiroto Ota is a PhD student supervised by Kiyoko Kanki (japan) at Kyoto University. He proposed an original “DIALOGUE-Based” Approach as the method of architectural and urban Design-Action-Research to draw various scenarios of the case area, Nishijin, Kyoto from 3 years before. In parallel, he practices many design projects, in Kyoto.
Julia Rey holds a PhD in Architecture and works as a professor at the University of Sevilla. She has worked in the Department of Projects of the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage in research topics related to conservation, intervention and management in cultural heritage, specially researching about the Recommendation on Historic Urban Landscape (HUL), in Seville or Cuenca.

Manal Ginzarly is a PhD candidate in Local Environment Management and Activities at Université de Liège, Department of ArGEnCo –Architecture, Geology, Environment, and Construction. She received her master’s degree in urban design from the American University of Beirut. Her research interests are sustainable urban planning and design, and cultural heritage preservation and management. |

Maria Dimitriou is a PhD student in Architecture at the University of Kent (UK), conducting a research on Industrial Heritage Management, Architectural Conservation and Urban Regeneration. During her professional experiences and postgraduate studies at ETH Zurich she benefited from interdisciplinary working and academic environments.

Marianne S. Aquino is a graduating Juris Doctor student of the University of the Philippines College of Law. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the same university. She worked for a time at Thomson Reuters as a publishing specialist before entering law school.
A.Miguel Costa, Architect and PhD Candidate, Landscape Architecture and Urban Ecology, ISA Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) |
Noor Mens studied History of Architecture at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam. In 1993 she started to work as a freelance architectural historian based in Rotterdam. She published widely on architecture and urban planning in the twentieth century. Since 2014 she works as a PhD Candidate at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) on a research about the assessment of Post-war neighbourhoods, taking the Western Garden Cities in Amsterdam as a case study.
Oris Malijani is a PhD student in Heritage Studies at Brandenburg Technical University (BTU), Cottbus in Germany. He has Master’s Degree in Heritage Management from Kent University. He is currently working in the Malawi Department of Culture, as Cultural Programme Officer, responsible for management and implementation of heritage programmes.
Pinar Aykac received a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture in 2004 and a MSc in Restoration from Middle East Technical University in 2008. She worked as a research assistant in the same university where she was also involved in various heritage management projects. Currently she is conducting her PhD entitled ‘Musealisation as an Urban Context: Transformation of Sultanahmet District in Istanbul’s Historic Peninsula into a Museums Area’ at UCL Bartlett School of Architecture. |
Stavros Vlizos obtained his PhD in classical archaeology at the University of Munich/Germany in 1997. From 1997 he joined the Greek Archaeological Service while in 2002 he was appointed Assistant to the Director of the Benaki Museum/Athens from where he left in 2014 to join the Ionian University in Corfu as Assistant Professor of Museology and Archaeology. Within the framework of the “Amykles Research Project” he serves as the Director of the excavations conducted at the site near Sparta since 2005. |
B. Selcen Coskun graduated with a bachelors’ degree in Architecture from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in Istanbul, where she also received my PhD degree in the Heritage Conservation Department (2012). In 2014 she was a visiting academic at the University of York. Her research areas are: theory of conservation, reconstruction of architectural heritage and history of conservation in Turkey. |
Wenjia Liu is Associate Professor of School of Architecture, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China, with more than 12 years of experience in architecture design and research. She is now a Visiting scholar of School of European Culture and Languages, University of Kent, taking a research mainly focus on the conservation of archaeological sites in modern urban area. |
Zain Ahmad Hajahjah is currently a PHD candidate at the International Graduate School: Heritage Studies at Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany. She holds a MSc and BSc degrees in Architecture with research focus on heritage management and conservation. Her research interest is in heritage restoration and revitalization, tourism development, and IT applications in heritage management. |