Belong and Grow online

E-learning courses available!

Don’t have time to get away from the day job to join us for our BAG week (Belong and Grow) activities?
We have something for everyone, which includes some online courses especially provided to us by The Charity Learning Consortium for access during the week 13 – 19 May.

13 – 17 May 2019 covers a number of national awareness events, including Learning at Work week, Deaf Awareness week, International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT) day and Staff Network day. Here at the university, we are creating a week long programme of activities to celebrate all of these events.

We appreciate that not all staff will be able to get away from their day jobs at this time of year or may not work standard 9-5 hours, in order to attend these activities, so we have worked with The Charity Learning Consortium (CLC – an external e-learning provider) once again to allow us temporary access to a number of online courses during the period of 13-19 May 2019 for Learning at Work Week. This is the second year we have worked with the CLC and feedback from the courses they provided last year was all very positive.



UPDATE: to access the courses please see the course link, username and password detailed in the Free CLC Online Course section – however please be aware that unfortunately, this year CLC have not provided open access as first indicated and you may open a course to find it part completed by another member of staff. I would ask that you identify which course you wish to undertake and start that one before reviewing any others to allow other staff members the opportunity to access them. 


The Learning at Work Week theme this year is Shaping the Future, which as an organisation is extremely relevant for our current Organising for success project underway. As Our Vice Chancellor Karen Cox has outlined ‘Our strategy sets out a road map for change, development and sustained growth, but we need to do things differently if we are to deliver our ambitions in this volatile environment’. Thinking about personal development and how we equip ourselves to be flexible and agile in this changing environment is really important. It is key that we provide development opportunities to suit all learner preferences, flexible to suit all working patterns and allow for access to information when it is needed and in formats which work at that time. When time or accessibility to face to face development sessions proves challenging, online digital options provide a valuable opportunity.

Moodle logo

Accessing the courses

To access the available courses follow the instructions below (Please note: these courses will not be available until 09:00 Monday 13 May 2019)

  1. Follow this link to our Staff Training Moodle site and login using your normal university login details
  2. You will see a home screen dashboard which says My Modules – please search for Learning at Work Week 2019 (if this is not already visible).
  3. Follow the instructions provided to access the various resources
  4. After the access period, we will send you an evaluation survey to help us identify which resources were most beneficial and gain your wider thoughts on these.


Please make the most of these online opportunities and enjoy BAG week!