Kent Employee Apprenticeship Network Event

The second network event took place during National Apprenticeship Weeks on the 5th of February.


Apprentice, Managers, Mentoring and those looking to undertake or support an Apprenticeship were invited to join the Kent Employee Apprenticeship Network. The second meeting took place last week, as an opportunity to network and meet others to discuss the benefits of Apprenticeship and how to make them work successfully.

As it part of National Apprenticeship Week it was an opportunity to show some of the National Apprenticeship Service communications – click the logo below to watch a video that explains Apprenticeships are for everyone.



The network then did some work together to offer support, learn from each other and to ensure that both Apprentice and the business benefit from Apprenticeships.  The group held open discussing covering

What is working well for you
What are the positives
What else do you need
What are the challenges
Your own feedback 




Loretta Izod is your Employee Apprenticeship Manager

T: 01227 8 16568 E:


Loretta specialises in supporting employees who want to understand how their careers can benefit from undertaking an Apprenticeship.

Use the contact details to get in touch with Loretta to arrange one to one advice, or set up a team meeting for further information and discussion.

Click here for web pages



Please follow the Learning and Organisational Development team on Twitter for regular updates on Employee Apprenticeships  – @UoKLDev