Keeping our campus safe

Staff safety and crime prevention on campus

Black and blue SafeZone wording logo on white background with a padlock image

The University campuses at Canterbury and Medway are both considered very safe places to work, study and visit.

The University has a range of security measures in place on campus to protect against threats of criminality (theft, damage etc.), disorderly behaviour and serious incidents. These measures include an extensive CCTV network, 24/7 365 control room and security patrols (vehicular and on foot), card access to buildings, identification and permit to work/park procedures, working closely with the Police, Community Safety Unit, other local education and commercial stakeholders etc.

The University recommends staff and students uses the SafeZone app which provides instant access to Campus Security and other safety resources. You can access these via the QR codes below or going to SafeZone














Mark ArnoldHead of Security provides this message for us all.


“The University campuses at Canterbury and Medway are very safe with low levels of crime but this is because Campus Security work hard to keep them so.

The National Threat Level has been set for a long period of time at “Severe” meaning “an attack is highly likely” but there is NO specific information, intelligence or evidence that the University, students, staff or visitors are at any more risk than any other location. This requires a “heightened” awareness from us all.

You can assist Campus Security by adopting a pragmatic and common sense approach to personal and University security. If you see someone or something that does not look right, is out of place or is suspicious then report it to Campus Security.

If there is an immediate threat to life or emergency then contact the emergency services via 999 and then let Campus Security know.

By working together, we can help keep the University, its students, visitors, staff and your colleagues safe.

If you need any further information, please go to the Campus Security website page or speak to Campus Security.

Security is everyone’s responsibility.

Below we provide two very useful and important videos which all staff should familiarise themselves with. Please click on the images to run the videos.






Other Services provided by our Campus Security Team include the Walking Taxi Service and managing campus Lost and Found – for further information please click on the links highlighted.

Emergencies: (01227 82)3333

Enquiries: (01227 82)3300



Campus Security Mission Statement
‘We will deliver a professional, first-class service to maintain a safe, secure environment for staff, students and visitors through a hard-working,motivated team that is always happy to help.’