Apprenticeship Information Session

Apprenticeship Levy Funding is available for all staff


As an employer, the University of Kent is committed to supporting new and existing employees through Apprenticeship standards.  Apprenticeships are for everyone regardless of age, gender or job level.

Apprenticeship programmes combine work, training, and studying so you can ‘earn while you learn’. The introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy in April 2017, gives employers, such as the University of Kent, the opportunity to develop their workforce using Apprenticeships, that are fully funded by the levy.  That means the levy pays for 100% of your Apprenticeship training, with no cost to you or your department.

There is a huge range of standards available, from entry level to higher and degree levels.  Apprenticeships offer a flexible approach to learning that can be done over time at the pace of the learner.

Loretta Izod is your Employee Apprenticeship Manager. If you want to know more you can contact Loretta on ext 16568, or email

Or come and meet Loretta at an Apprenticeships Information Session. The next one is on Wednesday 28 November in Senate Room 1 from 10 to 12.