Nomination process open for Introduction to Project Management

2 day Introduction to Project Management course

Learning & Organisational Development are calling for nominations for the 2 day Introduction to Project Management course.

This is an in-depth and practical course running over two full days and participants need to be working on a current University project to get the maximum benefit from the course. The course is run by Ron Rosenhead from Project Agency.

Participants will;

  • Develop an understanding for the need for a consistent approach to project management within the University
  • Use the underlying principles contained within the University of Kent project management framework on all future projects
  • Develop a personal action plan and work with a colleague post-course
  • Be able to communicate the new project management approach to colleagues and partners within the University

Course dates:

07 & 08 November 2018

06 & 07 March 2019

Course times: 09.30 – 16.30 on both days

Maximum numbers: 12 on each course.

Criteria for nomination:

Nominees should be currently working on or about to start working on a key University project. Further guidance on how the University defines projects is available at the Business Improvement and Projects Unit (BIPU) website.

Managers are asked to discuss attendance on the course with their nominees and with their School Administration Manager or Head of Department. Nominations should be made by email to by 17.00 on Friday 5 October indicating which course dates are preferred. Please ensure that nominees hold time in their diaries until places are confirmed.