As part of our Learning at Work Week we are launching our ‘Kent Experiences’. The theme for the national LAWW campaign 2018 is ‘Networked for Learning’ and to link in with this theme we would like to provide opportunities for staff to get involved with and network with colleagues in areas of the organisation they don’t usually get the opportunity to interact with. Better understanding of the organisation and broader network relationships help in improving communication, appreciating diversity and creating a culture of respect, among many other benefits.
These Kent Experiences are being offered from areas across the University on both Canterbury and Medway campuses and include a diverse range of activities, some taking as little as an hour which could be undertaken in a lunch hour if required. We will have further activities being launched from our Estates department and potentially other areas in the next week or so, so keep an eye out for more announcements.
You can view a brief descriptor of all the current opportunities by clicking on this link and then register your interest by following the outlined instructions or by completing this poll. Once your interest has been registered you will be contacted with more information and details of who to contact to finally agree your activity date and time.
If you have any further queries related to this ‘Kent Experiences’ launch, or you would like to offer an experience in your area of work, please do not hesitate to contact