Stage 1 Summer task: Collected History

Over the summer, our new Stage 1 students were given several tasks to complete before the start of term. One of these tasks; Collected History asked students to decorate a shoebox and present a collection of memories that they felt defined them and the environments which have shaped and positioned who they are so far.

Design Tutor Rebecca Hobbs was particularly impression with student Ben Nourse’s box.


Commenting on his box, Ben said:

My aim for the box was to convey a three dimensional memory map/collection, leading to my current position in life. I focused the composition around, what I consider one of my key memories, building my treehouse with my dad. The treehouse in particular opened various doors for me which are now vital to my life. Creating the box has allowed me to reflect on my journey, from a naive five year old boy, to a first year at the KSA.