Monthly Archives: June 2015

System Development

The automatic integration with Agresso (our finance system) is planned for Monday 29th June, which may slow the system and cause some disruptions to the KRIMSON end users.  Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you.

 If you have any questions, please contact the KRIMSON team:

Principal Investigators will now be able to add documents in KRIMSON for Statutes from ‘Draft’ to ‘for Funder Submission’

We have received a number of requests where Principal investigators (PIs) wanted to add documents within KRIMSON in any Statuses.

In response to the feedback we have made this improvement and from now PIs will be able to add documents in all of these Statuses: ‘for RS/KIE update’, ‘for School approval’, ‘for RS/KIE approval’, ‘for University approval’ and ‘for Funder Submission’.