Illness is weakness


Recovering hand silicone dressing wire cube + flu 22 December 09

The dentist said his dieing mother believed “illness is weakness”.  In medical terms, he said, she had waited far too long for any treatment to be effective.  My mother and the dentist’s mother might agree about illness, that there’s no time for it, that one gets on with things and does not complain.

Silicone dressings recovering hand flu 22 December 09

On the cultural island in Northern Michigan the campus cold this year paled in comparison to last year’s devastating British winter counterpart.  I thought I had paid my dues as a child, that I should no longer have to suffer as an adult. But surprised, indignant and ill as I was, I did, through both. Germs 2 – humans 0.

It seemed the cold and flu and accident did affect the drawings. They were weak and minimal. But that, no doubt, is making excuses other artists and mothers would not tolerate. Work cannot stop for illness or accident or worse.

Only last week the print-maker said, “It’s always the women who are strong in death”.

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