Some results of the project were presented at the inaugural session of the Our World Heritage Sustainability Debate month, July 2021.

Invited to chair a session on ‘Creative Industries and Tourism Beyond Economic Development’ at the conference Heritage and Our Sustainable Future (University of Leeds, February 2021).

Some results of the research were presented at the Conference Cultural Heritage and Multilateralism (German Government, November 2020).

Professor Labadi presented some results of her research at a webinar organised by ICOMOS-UK in November 2020:

Some results of the research were presented at the 5th Biennal Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (London, August 2020).

Invited to give a talk during the ICCROM Webinar on Heritage and Sustainable Development.

AHRC project discussed in an article published in Newsweek Belgium in April 2020

Professor Labadi gave a Keynote Speech and discuss some of her preliminary conclusions and recommendations at the Sustainable Heritage Research Forum (Uppsala University, Sweden, December 2019)

Paper presented at the conference: Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals (Delft, The Netherlands, November 2019)

Présentation sur ” Repenser le patrimoine pour le développement : cadre international, impacts locaux ” (Dakar, Senegal, November 2019)

Workshop on World Heritage and Sustainable Development in Africa: Implementing the 2015 Policy. The workshop took place at the Robben Island World Heritage Site, South Africa, 19 – 23 August 2019. The workshop discussed ways to operationalise declarations and recommendations relating to the implementation of AU Agenda 2063 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at and around World Heritage sites in Africa. The workshop also aimed to find ways to implement the 2015 UNESCO Policy Document for the Integration of a Sustainable Development Perspective into the Processes of the World Heritage Convention.

World Heritage, Sustainable Development and Civil Society action plan released (February 2019).  Dr Labadi released an Action Plan on World Heritage, Sustainable Development and Civil Society, following a workshop which took place in March 2018 at the University’s Brussels School of International Studies.

The workshop on World Heritage, Sustainable Development, and Civil Society took place on 29 March 2018 and saw the gathering of 50 civil society actors from all over the world. The aim was to find innovative ways for civil society actors to implement the UNESCO’s 2015 Policy on the Integration of a Sustainable Development Perspective into the Processes of the World Heritage Convention. This workshop was part of the official programme of the European Year of Cultural Heritage and was organised in cooperation with Europa Nostra, and with generous funding from the European Cultural Foundation and the University of Kent.