Category Archives: News

The Positives Of Structure And Routine – Care First Webinar Weds 1st Dec 2021

Some people love to have a solid daily routine, while others shudder at the thought of having a predictable schedule. During times of great stress, however, maintaining structure and routine can help you feel more organised and in control. Having … Continue reading

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The Benefits Of Staying Positive – Care First Webinar Tues 30th Nov 2021

Winter is here, no doubt about it. And as the days get shorter and the temperature drops, it’s often harder to keep the mood light and positive compared to the sunny summer months. Colder, longer evenings mean that many of … Continue reading

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Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep – Care First Webinar Friday 26th November 2021

Focusing on sleeping well can bring many positive benefits to our overall wellbeing. Good quality sleep is critical to both our physical and mental health and the effective functioning of our immune system. It also aids our emotional wellness and … Continue reading

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Presenteeism – Present But Not Correct?

Have you have heard of the word ‘presenteeism’? If you have, did you wonder what it means? A good definition can be found on  – the practice of coming to work despite illness, injury, anxiety, etc., often resulting in … Continue reading

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Kindness: What’s In It For You?

I have written previously about kindness in my blogs. This seems a good week to revisit it as 13 November is World Kindness Day and 09 November is Social Media Kindness Day. Kindness is well recognised as a force for … Continue reading

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Health Flavour of the Month: November

Every month there is a range of national health promotion campaigns in the UK.  In November there are initiatives for many major health promotion areas.  Some of these run for the whole month, some are week long initiatives and some … Continue reading

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World Mental Health Day – October 10th 2021

World Mental Health Day will be held on October 10th this year. This year’s theme is “mental health in an unequal world”.  1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health condition at some point in our lives. It … Continue reading

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How An EAP Can Have A Positive Impact On Your Wellbeing – Care First Webinar Friday 1st Oct 2021

An EAP (Employee Assistance Programme) is available for employees to access. The service includes ‘In the moment support’ from a BACP accredited counsellor, Structured counselling following assessment (*check with your HR team to see exactly what you have access to) … Continue reading

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Go Sober This October

What Is Sober October? Sober October encourages people to go booze-free in October to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Why Go Sober? By going Sober this October, you’ll be raising vital funds for Macmillan, so we can continue providing … Continue reading

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Alcohol Awareness for Sober October – Care First Webinar Thursday 30th Sept 2021

This has been an incredibly difficult year for many of us. As we struggle with the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic stress and anxiety is on the rise, and it may be difficult for some individuals to handle these issues … Continue reading

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