Author Archives: ab693

Kent and Medway Palliative Care Research Meeting: Research for Better Care

An afternoon looking at the research into end of life care taking place in Kent and Medway. This will include: Results on the research for patient benefit study on rapid response hospice at home. The latest NIHR palliative care portfolio … Continue reading

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PRESS RELEASE – University of Kent and Pfizer research aims to develop treatment for Acute Kidney Injury

The University of Kent is to undertake a half million pound research project with pharmaceutical company Pfizer to develop new therapies for patients who suffer Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) after kidney surgery. Dr Claire Peppiatt-Wildman, of the Medway School of … Continue reading

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Kent, Surrey Sussex AHSN bid submitted

A consortium of NHS Trusts, CCGs, local authorities, Universities and Industry groups across Kent, Surrey and Sussex have been working together over the last 6 months to put together a bid for funding to establish a KSS Academic Health Science … Continue reading

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PRESS RELEASE: Vitamin variants could combat cancer as scientists unravel B12 secrets

In a development that may lead to new drugs to treat cancer, scientists at the University of Kent have discovered the process by which a key vitamin (B12) is made in cells. A team at the University’s School of Biosciences … Continue reading

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Sir Paul Nurse to Present Symposium Lecture

The 20th Annual School of Biosciences Postgraduate Symposium Lecture will this year be given by Sir Paul Nurse. Sir Paul is the current President of the Royal Society, London, and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in … Continue reading

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US-Kent research aims to find a new treatment for migraine

A University of Kent-led clinical trial that aims to discover a potential new treatment for migraine through non-invasive neuro-stimulation is set to commence during late summer 2012. Read “US-Kent research aims to find a new treatment for migraine” in full

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Medway School of Pharmacy launches new Masters Degree

Medway School of Pharmacy is proud to announce the launch of a new Masters Degree (MSc) in Applied Drug Discovery. This postgraduate Masters in Science (MSc) programme is taught as either a classic one-year full-time programme, or delivered through distance e-learning … Continue reading

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Joint University of Greenwich/CLRN Local Research Network Day

See Programme Details. Venue: Pilkington Building, Medway Campus

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Diabetes Spring Conference 2012

Day one comprises keynote lectures and discussions on Diabetes research, whilst day two is a public information day. See the Programme Outline. Venue: Pilkington Building, Medway Campus

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RDS-SE Event: NIHR Research Funding Workshop

Venue: Knowledge Management Centre, Centre for Health Services Studies, George Allan Wing, Cornwallis Building, University of Kent, Canterbury Campus Contact: Helen MacGregor ( See the Research Funding Workshop document (pdf) for more information.

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