Last week I said that I would update you following the March meeting of the AHSN Transition Board discussion. Attendees came from Kent, Surrey and Sussex representing the NHS, Local Government, Industry and Higher Education Institutions.
Tom Quinn updated the Board on the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care. A very useful bid preparation session was held last week, attended by around fifty people.
The Board was briefed on the current delivery projects including intraoperative fluid management and the collaborative procurement scoping project. On procurement the outcome of the DH review of NHS Procurement is awaited and on intellectual property (n.b. AHSNs are expected to become centres of excellence on intellectual property) we start to map existing capability within HEIs and beyond. We also discussed the evolving Dementia programme and the draft membership agreement, which Board members reporting back that it was fit for purpose and they fed in minor changes.
The Board noted that the call for early financial pledges to supplement existing resources was likely to enable the AHSN establishment work and Enhancing Quality & Recovery programmes to continue into the new financial year. This has now been confirmed and from next week the AHSN and its staff will be hosted within Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Although I am living and breathing the AHSN, I recognise it is not the only change taking place in the Health & Social Care landscape! The diagram below sets out the range of statutory bodies that will exist from 1 April.
Kind regards
Guy Boersma
Managing Director (interim)
Kent, Surrey & Sussex Academic Health Science Network
Making integrated care happen at scale and pace
The King’s Fund has published a paper on integrated care. Click here for more details.
Harnessing innovation in the NHS – 19 June 2013, The King’s Fund, London
This conference will explore how to foster innovation in health care, and specifically how the concept of disruptive innovation can benefit the NHS. A disruptive innovation is an innovation that transforms an existing service by introducing simplicity, affordability, convenience and accessibility, where before the service was complicated, expensive and inaccessible.Click here for more information.