Medway School of Pharmacy, which is jointly run by the universities of Kent and Greenwich, has been shortlisted for a prestigious Training Provider of the Year award by a national science skills council.
The shortlisting – by Cogent, the Sector Skills Council (SSC) for the Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Nuclear, Life Sciences, Petroleum and Polymer Industries – is for the School’s unique three-year Foundation Degree (Fd Sc) in Applied Bioscience Technology.
The UK Life Sciences Skills Awards will be announced at an event in May being opened by David Willetts MP, the Minister for Universities and Science.
Dr Scott Wildman, Senior Lecturer in Biological Sciences at the Medway School of Pharmacy, said: ‘We are delighted to have been shortlisted for this prestigious award.
‘Our foundation degree is unique in that it provides a very flexible work-based, e-learning experience for individuals employed in bioscience-related industries which can stand alone, or be incorporated into a higher apprenticeship.’
Cogent is licensed by the government to help employers in science-using industries address workforce development needs.