Feed URL: https://blogs.kent.ac.uk/health-news-events/2013/02/18/leading-edge/feed/?withoutcomments=1
Let me share the latest good news straight away.
Across Kent and Medway, Surrey and Sussex all NHS Trusts are now reporting 100% NHS compliance with NICE Technology Appraisals (TAs). Compliance is a good thing for patients. It is also a confidence-builder with Industry and the AHSN’s central funders in the NHS Commissioning Board. The adoption and spread work goes on of course on a wider front than NICE Technology Appraisals, with an energy to promote adoption and spread of all NICE guidance and Quality Standards across Health and Social Care.
Spread and adoption work also goes deeper, ensuring benefits reach all patients who could benefit. Intraoperative fluid management is one such example. Each NHS Trust now knows the type and number of patients who could benefit from this best practice and are working out how to measure just how many patients actually do benefit from this. Clinicians have worked together to identify the best ways to adopt this practice. As a result of leading edge work on intraoperative fluid management the AHSN has been asked to lead nationally on some further work in this field.
And the collaboration doesn’t end there. NHS organisations and Universities across KSS are working together to apply for NIHR funds to establish a Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC). Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has agreed to be the NHS Lead Organisation for the bid. Prof Tom Quinn, acting on behalf of the AHSN Transition Board, is co-ordinating interested parties from across KSS to identify potential areas of focus and ‘Themes’, aligned to priorities established for the AHSN application. A process is underway to refresh the ‘research stock take’ undertaken in preparation for the AHSN so that we have a clearer picture of strengths across the patch, and a transparent process for identifying a (clinical/academic) Director to provide leadership as we move rapidly towards the May deadline for submitting our bid. We will provide regular updates through the AHSN newsletter, but please don’t hesitate to contact Tom Quinn if interested in helping develop the bid.
A KSS-wide meeting on the CLAHRC proposals is being held on 19th March at Gatwick, please contact Anne Hrassnigg if you would like to attend.
Licence latest
In addition to the licence, the NHS Commissioning Board will draw up a formal agreement or contract with each AHSN that sets out the funding from the NHS Commissioning Board to the AHSN and the resulting deliverables. This will detail both funding directly from the NHS Commissioning Board and the local matched funding from local members (much of which is also ultimately funding from the NHS Commissioning Board).