In this weeks’s edition…
Integrating data for integrated care
There is already extensive data about older people’s health currently being collected both nationally and in Kent, Surrey and Sussex. It tends to be collated and analysed at an organisational level rather than looking at a health and social care system as a whole.
There’s untapped potential to use this data for better health and wellbeing, better care and better value across and within localities. Developing a set of indicators giving overview at locality and regional level can help identify where progress is being made fastest and practice worth spreading can be found.
To demonstrate progress and encourage the adoption of practice worth spreading in maintaining the independence and vitality of older people in Kent, Surrey and Sussex, we are coordinating the efforts of our health systems’ thinkers to collate the best existing measures and indicators in a single new tool. It will provide a strategic overview of the achievements and further improvement opportunities available from integrated care. By using existing data wherever possible, we are seeking to minimise collection burdens.
We are bringing together the insight and expertise of the many professionals across the region whose focus is on the needs of older people and integrated care. Collaboration helps us all to achieve more, more quickly. We have already established a reference group and are particularly grateful for the leadership input provided by:
- Jenny Billings, Reader in Applied Health Research, University of Kent
- Abraham George, Consultant in Public Health, Kent County Council
- Judith Wright, Joint Director of Public Health, West Sussex.
New models of care
To assess the impact of improvements and new models of care for older people, data across a number of areas is needed, including:
- Health and wellbeing (including mental wellbeing, social connectivity and mobility)
- Care closer to home
- Support and living independently, and
- Hospital care.
Integrating data across these areas helps organisations across the region to realize their strategic objectives for integrated care which are all too vulnerable to coming second to urgent operational priorities.
Living well for longer: book now
You’ll be about to find out more and get involved in this work at our Regional innovation summit and showcase: living well for longer on 23 June 2015.
It will bring together and build on work over the last two years to address our region’s most pressing challenges. Working with new insight and data, together we will create momentum for accelerating sustainability in older people’s services.
This event offers the chance to network with senior figures from health and social care, industry, academia and the third sector and to hear from speakers including:
- Christina Wanscher, Special Adviser – International Coordinator Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark
- Professor Pat Schofield, University of Greenwich
- Jo-Anna Holmes, Head of Integrated Care, Age UK
- Dr Dan Lasserson, Clinical Lead, Oxford AHSN out-of-hospital care network.
Click here to book a place
The Basque long term conditions strategy
The Basque “chronicity” strategy has been widely recognised as innovative and forward thinking. It achieved a 38% reduction in hospitalisation of patients with complex needs and a 26% decrease in A&E attendance.
On Wednesday 3 June Dr Rafael Bengoa, former Minister of Health for the Basque region (2009-13) will share his experience and learning from leading the region’s long-term conditions strategy. He will be joined by Dr Josep Carbo who led the team that implemented the system changes needed for the strategy to work.
Click here to book your place which includes entry to the seminar and networking opportunities over refreshments before and after. Please note this seminar starts at 17:00.
Kind regards,
Guy Boersma
Managing Director
Older people’s programme: Sussex engagement event, 21 May 2015
Independence and vitality for longer: improving care and the experience of care for older people in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.
The meeting aims to validate the case for change, an agreed vision of future sustainable care arrangements and the support programme of KSS AHSN activity to help you implement sustainable care services faster.
This is a morning event finishing at lunchtime at the Gatwick Hilton.
Please contact Ellie Wells to book a place.
PPRS/MO roadshow
This event on 19 May (hosted by KSS AHSN in partnership with ABPI and NHS England) is now fully booked. We will let you know of future events and activity relating to PPRS or medicines optimisation through this newsletter.
‘Change Management: Blueprint for Better’
Conference, London, 7 July 2015
The opportunity to learn from practitioners with knowledge and experience of leading innovative change initiatives at both local and national scale. Delegates will receive practical advice and inspiration from a range of real-life examples from public and private sector sources to help lead on change management and service improvement.
SEHTA AGM and “Success for SMEs”
Pounds, Policies, Proposition & Procurement
16 June 2015, 09:30 – 14:00, Leatherhead, Surrey
To be a successful small health technology company – you need cash, you need to understand the market drivers (policy), you need to have an excellent value proposition, and of course you will inevitably have to encounter the procurement process if you want to sell to the NHS.
The SEHTA annual conference will attempt to help you with all the 4 ‘P’s – Pounds, Policies, Proposition and Procurement.
To register please click here.
Save the Date: Paediatric Neurodisability Software Solutions
18 June 2015, 09:30 – 17:00, Holiday Inn, Gatwick
SEHTA, in partnership with NIHR CRN and sponsored by Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN, is pleased to announce a seminar on Paediatric Neurodisability Software Solutions on the 18th June at the Holiday Inn Gatwick.
The road from development to clinical rollout is lengthy. This event will bring academics, clinicians and business interested in this area together to focus on applications for therapy and diagnostics. In the afternoon there will be roundtable workshops to pull together industry, academia and NHS clinicians to collaborate to improve the lives of children with neurodisability.
For more information click here.
Programme Director: Older People’s Programme
We are seeking someone with an excellent understanding of the issues faced by older people and who is able to work inclusively and collaboratively with a range of partner organisations across Kent, Surrey and Sussex, building consensus and driving change.
For more information click here.