The Kent Academic Primary Care Unit is pleased to announce its confirmed seminar programme for 2015.
All seminars will take place between 1.30-3.00 and include a sandwich lunch.
Helping Patients to self-manage their long-term condition. Evidence-based approaches
Dr Kate Hamilton-West, University of Kent
Wednesday 25 March 2015, University of Kent’s Canterbury Campus
Abstract and flyer to follow
Dementia: muddling along?
Professor Steve Illife, University College London
Wednesday 10 June 2015, University of Kent’s Medway Campus
Telehealthcare for long-term conditions: hopes, hype and reality
Dr Hilary Pinnock, University of Edinburgh
Wednesday 23 September 2015, University of Kent’s Canterbury Campus
The contribution of physician assistants to primary care in England
Professor Vari Drennan, St Georges University of London
Wednesday 2 December 2015, University of Kent’s Medway Campus
Places are limited and available on a first come first served basis. To reserve your FREE place and for further information, please email Helen Wooldridge,
To download a pdf programme, please click here.
Who’s involved?
Professor Patricia Wilson