Mark Devlin Appointed as Interim Chair
Health Education Kent, Surrey and Sussex (HE KSS) is delighted to welcome back Mark Devlin, Chief Executive of Medway NHS Foundation Trust as its Interim Chair. Mark was instrumental as our Interim Chair in the development and establishment of the organisation and has continued to be a member of our Governing Body during 2013/14.
Mark will cover the role of Chair for HE KSS while Health Education England seeks to recruit a new Independent Chair. Philippa Spicer, Managing Director of HE KSS said: “I am so pleased that Mark has agreed to again support the organisation in this interim period. He has continued to remain a strong supporter of our approach to truly integrated education both within the organisation and wider with our stakeholders”.
On his appointment, Mark said: “I am delighted to be supporting HE KSS as Interim Chairman once again and continuing the significant progress that has been achieved by the KSS team.”
To read the full release and more about Mark, please visit the HE KSS website.
Library and Knowledge Services Team Wins Award
Health Education Kent, Surrey and Sussex is proud to announce that the Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust (BSUH) Library and Knowledge Services (LKS) team has won the 2013 Sally Hernando Award for Innovation in the organisational category for its Innovation Forum.
The BSUH Innovation Forum allows all staff to submit ideas for better ways of working. The best ideas are presented at a regular forum to a panel of senior staff. LKS representatives sit on the forum steering group, filter the submissions and apply external evidence to judge the quality of submissions.
NHS Library and Knowledge Services introduced the Sally Hernando Awards in 2010. They are awarded in four categories (product, process, marketing and organisational) and the purpose is to encourage, recognise and reward innovation in NHS library/knowledge services. This is important in the current economic climate as access to knowledge is crucial, as is developing smart and cost-effective ways of providing it.
In 2013, Health Education England Library and Knowledge Services leads agreed to promote other LKS initiatives that would be useful to share to spread the learning. These initiatives will be added to a section of the innovations wiki and will support best practice and service improvement in all NHS library and knowledge service.
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