One of the main outcomes from Emma Denby’s PhD (funded by a KentHealth scholarship) was “Dizziness linked to depression”, which was reported by The Times newspaper.
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Dizziness caused by brain injury may be one cause of long-term depression, a study of military veterans has found.
The report discovered that balance disorders appear to be linked to anxiety, depression, forgetfulness and headaches in former forces personnel.
David Wilkinson, of the University of Kent and the director of the study, said: “Many of the symptoms [of long-term mental distress] may be driven by an underlying balance disorder which raises the intriguing possibility that if we treat the balance disorder then many of the long-term psychiatric symptoms will also recede.”
Balance function is not routinely assessed in military veterans, he added. The study, in the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, found up to 75 per cent of veterans suffering from long-term mental distress were…