In this weeks’s edition…
- Save the dates – Patient Safety Collaborative events in January
- Read all about it! New Patient Safety Collaborative Bulletin hits the shelves
- Ready Now Programme
- CSH Surrey Clinical NED Vacancy
- QSIR train the trainer programme: for in-house improvement capability
Transformation, transformation, transformation!
The 100,000 Genomes Project aims to make the population of the UK the most g-mapped in the world. It offers the prospect of personalised drug regimes transforming killer illnesses into manageable long term conditions for many.
KSS and South London AHSN members feature in the Genomic Network Alliance bid to transform care for patients in south London and the south east.
Affording advances
But the public finances will have to be transformed too, in order for these and other medical advances emanating from Life Science’s R&D pipelines to ever become affordable. The national debt is rising, despite reductions in public spending that mean 25% fewer people receiving state-funded social care compared to four years ago. Further spending cuts will follow as a result of yesterday’s budget settlement for Local Authorities.
In the meantime, the NHS has received a £2 billion “downpayment” on the £8 billion baseline funding increase sought for the NHS in England to enable combinatorial innovation and service transformation in high volume health and social care services.
New models of care are being developed and introduced, designed to maintain independence, improve patient experience and reduce secondary care expenditure: the One Call One Team in West Sussex, North West Surrey CCG’s Integrated Locality Hubs supported by Radcliffe Lisk and others at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals, and the integrated care that Natalie Penfold is involved in from Kent Community Health in Thanet – all recognised at the recent KSS Leadership Collaborative awards.
Older people’s programme
To support vanguard sites and catalyse wider transformation in the care of older people living with frailty, we have consulted upon and are investing in a new programme focused on improving the health and wellbeing of older people. Too often they experience preventable emergency hospital admission. Too many, who wished to die at home, die in hospital. And many more struggle to find the right care from our complicated system.
We are bringing together the best of industry, academia, health and social care to help older people live well at home for longer, by reducing reliance on hospital based care.
2015 innovation seminars begin in January
Our 2015 series of free innovation seminars begins next month. They are open events, free to all to attend and designed to strengthen collaboration between industry, academia, health, and social care. The seminars are organised by us with the Health and Europe Centre, and the NHS KSS Leadership Collaborative.
The first is on 21 January at the Sofitel Hotel, Gatwick. Myron Rogers, a global thought leader on whole systems, will be speaking about “Innovation – how to implement successfully”. For further details and to register for this event please click here
Kindest regards,
Guy Boersma
Managing Director, KSS AHSN
Save the dates – Patient Safety Collaborative events in January
The Kent Surrey Sussex Patient Safety Collaborative (KSS PSC) will be hosting a series of launch events and scoping workshops across the region in early 2015…
The workshops will help us to develop the aims and objectives for each of our clinical workstreams, and to plan how the work could be implemented locally.
For more information and details, please click here.
Read all about it! New Patient Safety Collaborative Bulletin hits the shelves
The latest edition of the Kent Surrey Sussex Patient Safety Collaborative Bulletin is now available on the PSC section of the website.
You can also get the latest PSC news on Twitter: @KSSPSC
Ready Now Programme
[NHS Leadership Academy]
This innovative, inspirational positive action programme from the NHS Leadership Academy is going to enhance your skills, knowledge and ability to succeed. It’s a game changer.
There are taught elements, self-taught elements, group work, psychometric instruments, psychodynamic processes, experiential learning and a constantly evolving range of approaches to support your success. Applications close 4 January 2015.
For more information and details, please click here.
CSH Surrey Clinical NED Vacancy
[CSH Surrey]
CSH Surrey is in search of a Clinical Non-Executive Director. The post is 2-3 days/ month and requires some-one with a clinical qualification to provide input at Board level as well as to chair the Integrated Governance Committee.
Please contact Sam Scarrott on 0208 394 3840 or to arrange. Closing date 9 January 2015.
QSIR train the trainer programme: for in-house improvement capability
[NHS Improving Quality]
The new Quality Service Improvement and Redesign (QSIR) ‘Train the Trainer’ programme is an exciting development for 2015.
It is a fantastic opportunity to develop people within your own organisation or system to spread the required skills and knowledge through a tried and tested learning and development programme. The closing date for applications for places on the programme is January 16 2015.
For more information, further details and application, click here.